The Next Cohort of The CEO Collective Is Now Enrolling!

Strategic group consulting for established women & femme-owned business owners ready to for more freedom as you sustainably scale to multiple six figures & beyond.

Strategic group consulting for established

women & femme-owned business owners

ready for more freedom as you sustainably

scale to multiple six figures & beyond.

Ready to sustainably scale your business…


You’ve dedicated years towards building an incredibly successful business, but now you’re ready for more…

You’ve dedicated years towards building an incredibly successful business,

but now you’re ready for more…

More Flexibility, Freedom,

& Time Back In Your Schedule

More Revenue & More Importantly More Profits

More Confidence As You Step Into Next Level Leadership

But it might feel like there is an invisible revenue ceiling keeping you stuck at the same level of success. And you’re not the only one.

Out of all the women & femme entrepreneurs in the U.S.

But it might feel like there is an invisible revenue ceiling keeping you

stuck at the same level of success. And you’re not the only one.

Out of all the women & femme entrepreneurs in the U.S.


Break through $100,000 in gross revenue.


Reach $250,000 annually in gross revenue.


Scale past $1,000,000 in gross revenue.

(Stats from the 2019 AMEX State of Women in Business Report)

It’s not just about more money.

It’s about making more IMPACT.

You know your work makes a real, meaningful difference in the world.

You know that your business has the opportunity to reach and serve even more people, provide incredible career opportunities, and give back to causes you care about.

But to really make the impact you want to make, $100K or even $250K annually just isn’t enough revenue to sustainably support a healthy CEO salary, a small but supportive team, and cover all the costs of growing your business year over year without hustling 24/7.

So, why do so many of us get stuck at this revenue ceiling and limit our impact?

After working with thousands of women entrepreneurs for over a 15+ years, I’ve seen what separates CEOs who sustainably scale from those who burnout trying to grow beyond six-figures.

First, let me share what the problem is not:

It’s not because you don’t work hard or “hustle” enough — too many of us are working 60-80 hours on top of juggling everything else in our lives.

It’s not because you need more education, courses, certifications, or experience in your field — you have that expert-level status and then some.

It’s not because you’re “not cut out for entrepreneurship” — let’s banish that lie for good!

The Real Problem Is: More Marketing Won’t Solve All Your Business Problems

The most well-known business gurus out there are focused on the latest marketing trends, tips, and tactics over the true strategy needed to sustainably scale a business.

Honestly – the majority of business education out there is geared towards absolutely beginning stages of business. And once you cross $100K, $250K, $500K… those answers become harder and harder to find.

And I get it – when 88% of women owned businesses are making under $100K annually – it’s a huge opportunity for celebrity entrepreneurs to focus on marketing tips, tricks, and tactics aimed at new business owners who are just trying to get their first few clients.

But as your business crosses those milestones, you need less of the one-sized-fits-all and more personalized information, relevant to your business.

We’ve all heard you should work Smarter Not Harder

But what does that mean when it seems like all the ‘gurus’ and ‘internet business celebrity influencers’ are touting complicated 47-step-funnels and the latest trendy marketing tips, tricks, and tactics as the solution to scaling your business?

It’s about understanding that the only million-dollar idea is the one you commit to and take action on.

It’s about laying a solid foundation where you do the hard work ONCE, then rinse and repeat systems.

It’s about saying YES to leading a small but supportive team so you can stay focused on being the CEO of your business.

How Do You Learn How to Truly Be The CEO

& Sustainably Scale Your Business?


Another one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter course won’t get you there.

Here’s what will – 100% OWNING your role as CEO.

A Successful, Sustainable Scaleable Business Is Within Your Reach

You’ve had six-figure years, but now it’s time to finally…

  • Grow your business to wait-list status

    with consistent clients, filled-up programs, and consistent multiple 5-figure months so you can have more than enough to upgrade your lifestyle, support your family, and invest in your future.

  • Expand your platform as a thought leader

    by growing your audience, email list, social media following thanks to speaking opportunities, podcasts and websites that can’t wait to feature you as an expert in your field.

  • Build your team, systems, and processes

    so your business runs smoothly day to day – and now your time is spent in your zone of genius teaching, coaching, and inspiring others instead of buried in $10/hr busy work.

  • Connect with like-minded women & femme CEOs

    who believe that women and femme entrepreneurs are the future, who know diversity of diversity is an asset, and lead with heart, high-trust, and an equitable vision for their business and the communities we build.

  • Quit the 24/7 hustle

    where you can’t seem to unplug from your business and finally reclaim your family dinners, weekends off, and even be able to take a real vacation – all with the peace of mind that comes from a predictably profitable business.

  • Get paid like a CEO

    with a six-figure (or multiple six-figure) take home salary that allows you to save for your future, fund your kids education, travel the world, upgrade your lifestyle, and build real generational wealth!

I Want You To Know Success On Your Terms is Possible!

And not just because I’ve personally lived it…

Since finishing my MBA in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management and leaving the traditional consulting world in 2008, I’ve built my business from the ground up by prioritizing smart strategy, rinse-and-repeat systems, and a highly trusted team.

And I’ve done it while navigating multiple chronic illnesses, raising three kids (now 14, 14 – yes twins! – and 11), retiring my husband to be a stay-at-home dad, and managing a full-time nursing team as my parents age in place at home.

All in an average of 25 hours a week so I can prioritize my health, my family, and my beautifully full life!

… but because I’ve helped thousands of clients implement our proven 90 Day CEO Operating System in their businesses.

Now it’s your turn.

It All Starts With The 90 Day CEO Operating System

Once You Install These 5 Essential Elements Into Your Business…

  • Clear Vision & Values

    This is the foundation for your business strategy and the anti-dote to shiny object syndrome.

    This clarity is essential to grow beyond a company of one and lead a team who understands where you’re headed and the rules of the road to get there.

  • 90 Day Plan

    The business you have today is the result of the work you did 3 months ago!

    Even if you’ve been in business for years, creating an actionable plan that your team can follow is an entirely new challenge.

    Our signature 90 Day Planning Process is designed to maintain focus and follow-through for real momentum. Trust me – you’ve never seen planning like this!

  • Client Growth Engine

    The most unsexy secret to scaling your business? You’ve gotta slow down to speed up!

    Before you can even think about scaling, you need to build out rinse-and-repeat systems that run like clockwork.

    Once you have proven marketing, sales, and delivery systems, you’ll find your business thousands of times easier to run.

  • Team Growth Engine

    Can you unplug from your business for a week without losing revenue? What about four weeks?

    When a business is 100% dependant on the owner to survive, you’re just one bad flu away from being out of business.

    A dream team is motivated, self-directed, and trusted to run the day-to-day without becoming a helicopter CEO.

  • CEO Leadership

    Your level of success mirrors your level of self-leadership.

    That’s why we are consistently improving our mindset, habits, productivity, management skills, communication, boundaries, and support system.

You’ll Have a Scaleable, Sustainable Business!

The CEO Collective Runs On The 90 Day CEO Operating System

Learn more about the 5 essential elements to sustainably scale your business in this advanced training:

Inside The CEO Collective Experience:

We Start With The CEO Retreat

Our first priority? Turning your big business dreams into actionable 90 day plans.

In your first month of The CEO Collective, you’ll attend our quarterly CEO Retreat either in Richmond VA or virtually (we always offer both)!

During The CEO Retreat, we’ll guide you step-by-step through our signature 90 Day CEO™️ planning process where we align your 90 day goals to your biggest business vision, ensure that your Client Growth Engine™️ is bringing in a steady stream of dream clients, and break down your action steps to achieve your quarterly goals.

In the weeks following the CEO Retreat, you’ll have multiple opportunities for live coaching as Team CEO Collective reviews your plan and offers feedback for even better results.

The CEO Retreat is the cornerstone of The CEO Collective experience that helps refocus your business on your biggest goals and priorities as you grow.

Next, Implement Your 90 Day Plan

Entrepreneurs with a plan are 2X more likely to grow!

But growth only happens when we have a strategy, system, and support to follow-through. The CEO Collective has all three!

With your newly created 90 Day CEO™️ Plan, you’ve mapped out your most essential action steps to implement each and every week to move closer to your goals.

Each week, your 90 Day CEO™️ planner will help you follow-through with those plans and get closer to achieving your quarterly goals.

Every single week inside The CEO Collective, you’ll have opportunities to build essential CEO Habits. With our Monday CEO Date Call, Wednesday Co-Working Call, and Thursday Strategy Sessions, you’ll have multiple opportunities for live support.

Plus, you’ll have access to the CEO Vault. Meaning no more getting stuck trying to figure out HOW to implement a strategy. We’ve got training, systems, and templates to keep you moving and making progress on your plan.

Real Support At The Speed of Your Business

We know that you need support available when YOU need it.

That’s why The CEO Collective weaves together multiple layers of support. With coaching available from myself, my team, and a crew of top-shelf guest experts, we’re dedicated to making sure you get the right support, at the right time, from the right people, including:

  • Weekly Group CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly Group CEO Co-Working Calls

  • Weekly Group Strategy Sessions with Racheal

  • 24/7 Community

  • 24/7 CEO Vault

The result? No more isolation. No more feeling alone. No more late-night Googling for answers. You’ll have the support you need to get unstuck and back into action – when and where you need it.

You Deserve to Be a Fully Supported CEO

Our CEOs Get Access to Multiple Levels of Support Every. Single. Month.



Each Monday morning, our team facilitates a LIVE CEO Date call for all members of The CEO Collective.

A CEO Date is one of our top habits for self-accountability. During this call, you'll go through the weekly CEO Date Checklist for your own business to set up your week for success.

Mondays at 12PM ET | 9AM PT



On Wednesday, our team facilitates this group co-working call.

Look - we know how easy it can be for the most important tasks to get pushed to the side when other things pop up! But having this call & community on your calendar will help you build the habit of blocking time for CEO level tasks!

Wednesdays at 12PM ET | 9AM PT



Every month, Amber (Director of Operations) and Racheal host LIVE Strategy + Support Calls to answer your biggest strategy questions. The goal = to get you unstuck so you can get back to work implementing your 90 Day Plan.

The best part? Because we get to know your business, you can show up with confidence that you'll get the answers you need to continue taking massive action.

Thursdays at 12PM ET | 9AM PT



When you join The CEO Collective, you're now part of an incredible community of women entrepreneurs.

Between any live TCC calls, you'll have access to our incredible private community where you can ask fellow CEOs for feedback, ask for peer support, and share your wins.

Plus, you'll have 24/7 access to our CEO Vault of every training, template, and tool to accelerate your implementation of your 90 Day CEO Operating System!

Get your questions answered by an experienced entrepreneur who cares about you and your business.

Let’s face it – as an entrepreneur, there’s always another thing to figure out or another challenge to solve.

And the challenges you’ll face at $100K, $250K, $500K don’t have one-sized-fits-all, cookie-cutter solutions.

That’s why I get to know each and every CEO and their business plus show up each week for live strategy and support calls. These calls allow for laser-focused, hot-seat style coaching where we can talk directly about the context of your challenge and together find the next right step to move forward.

And if you can’t make these calls live, we always accept questions in advance and replays within 24 hours.

Our Mentors Bring Over 80+ Years of
Combined Small Business Experience


“What’s the goal? Let’s test it. Look at the numbers.”

With 10+ years experience in playing a critical role in scaling well-known online businesses from startup to multiple seven figures, as well as owning and growing her own successful business, Amber has a rich business background working for well-known brands, giving her a unique perspective on operations, marketing and building efficient, effective teams.

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“Spending time around people who inspire you will not only affect your career, it will change your life.”

Shannon Siriano is a dedicated founder, community leader, and “Super Connector” extraordinaire. With a wealth of experience as a small business owner, panel moderator, conference speaker, strategic consultant, magazine publisher, and more, Shannon shares her knowledge and insights with CEOs and leaders to boost their confidence and help them take action to achieve their goals.

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“Every Oprah has a Gail.”

Lane Clark is a social worker turned CEO’s best friend and right-hand woman to leaders and their teams. As a mentor to our members in The CEO Collective, Lane brings both a supportive experience and one where our leaders feel seen and heard…and encouraged to be accountable to their most aspirational goals.

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“It is always preferable to be in imperfect action, as we become the change we want to see.”

Erica Courdae is a trusted advisor to entrepreneurs and executive teams committed to shifting focus, power, and resources in order to create more equity in their businesses and the world. Her values-based leadership has helped thousands of individuals define their values, diversify their networks, and call people into conversations about inclusivity and individuality. In The CEO Collective, Erica helps our team align to and act within our values and mentors our members to do the same.

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A Year of Business Mastery with Monthly Expert Masterclasses & Quarterly CEO Retreats.


In this brand new 90 Day CEO Operating System Masterclass, learn how to level your CEO Leadership! Our approach to truly promoting yourself to CEO focuses on saying yes to real support, building a powerful culture of trust, and establishing boundaries, habits, and growth mindset.


In this brand new 90 Day CEO Operating System Masterclass, we are building your dream team! From attracting and hiring A+ team members to setting up a business hub that keeps everyone organized and on track, we'll help you build the foundation for a self-managing team.


Join Racheal and our mentors IN PERSON in Richmond VA to define your 90 Day Goals and map out your Weekly Action Plans to achieve them. This in-person experience includes happy hour the night before, lunch the day of, and a fun surprise for attendees!


Join Racheal VIRTUALLY from the comfort of your own office to define your 90 Day Goals and map out your Weekly Action Plans to achieve them. We’ll ship out a box of goodies for you to have on hand for the virtual retreat (it’s just as fun as in-person we promise)!


In this brand new 90 Day CEO Operating System Masterclass, we are thinking bigger than ever before and creating your vision for the next 3-5 years of your business aligned 100% with your definition of success and your values.


In this brand new 90 Day CEO Operating System Masterclass, you'll learn how to align your marketing, sales, and client delivery with your client journey. This framework is designed to uncomplicate your marketing and build the rinse and repeat systems that lead to clients for life!


Join Racheal and our mentors IN PERSON in Richmond VA to define your 90 Day Goals and map out your Weekly Action Plans to achieve them. This in-person experience includes happy hour the night before, lunch the day of, and a fun surprise for attendees!


Join Racheal VIRTUALLY from the comfort of your own office to define your 90 Day Goals and map out your Weekly Action Plans to achieve them. We’ll ship out a box of goodies for you to have on hand for the virtual retreat (it’s just as fun as in-person we promise)!

Accelerate Your Success With Proven Strategy & Systems

The CEO Vault: Systems to Scale

When you join The CEO Collective, you’ll get instant access to every training, template, and system Racheal has created over the last 15+ years as a strategist and consultant for small businesses.

Inside each training, you’ll find short & digestible training videos, on-the-go downloadable audios, and complete transcripts to accommodate all learning preferences.



New Member Bonus

Bonus 1×1 Strategy Review with Racheal

When you join The CEO Collective, the very first thing Racheal does is roll up her sleeves to get to know you and your business.

In addition to your new client intake form, expect to see her pop up on your social channels, explore your online presence, and opt-in to your email list!

Following your first month of onboarding including attending The CEO Retreat, you’ll book a 60 minute 1×1 strategy review.

During this strategy review, expect to look over your 90 Day Plan, talk through any gaps in your Client Growth Engine, and figure out the exact challenges you need to Focus on First.

The goal is to always look for the small shifts that yield big results and set your year in The CEO Collective up for success.

Is The CEO Collective Right For You?

You Are An Expert

Meaning you are a coach, consultant, or service provider who sells your experience and expertise to your clients through products, programs, or services. We have worked with CEOs across nearly every industry and niche.

You Are The Bottleneck

You are currently spending a lot of your time answering questions from your team, doing a lot of the administrative, operations, or client work, and know you need to get out of the way.

You Have A Proven Offer

You have an offer (a product, program, or service) that you can sell right now to new clients and get the promised results.

You Are Ready to Build a Team

You’ve already done the solo-entrepreneur thing and you’re ready to have some real support behind the scenes so you can focus on what you do best.

You Know Systems Are Your Achilles Heel

You don’t have an updated hub for all your systems to run your marketing, sales, client delivery, operations, etc and this is holding you back from building a team.

Planning Is Not Your Forte

If you’re carrying everything around in your head, then your team can’t implement with you! Having a clear, check-off-able 90 Day Plan is one of the most important elements of building a business that can sustainably scale – and we have a clear 90 Day CEO Planning Process to make it easy as possible.

You Need Marketing Beyond Referrals

Many of our best clients come to us after they have grown their business on word of mouth and referrals but they just aren’t getting enough clients to achieve their revenue goals. We’ll help you build your Client Growth Engine!

Join The CEO Collective

Pay In Full Bonus! Additional Back-Pocket 1x1 Session

If you choose the pay-in-full option for either level of membership, you'll also get a bonus back-pocket 1x1 session to use whenever you need additional support with Racheal or Amber.

NEW! The CEO Collective

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual Only)*

* To make this level as accessible as possible, you can choose to add the in-person CEO Retreat or Mastermind Day as desired!

$500 Monthly

$6,000 Annually with Pay in Full Bonus

The CEO Collective VIP

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual or In Person)

  • Quarterly Mastermind Day (Virtual or In Person)

  • Monthly Team Talk Call with Amber Kinney

  • Access for Your Right Hand Team Member

$925 Monthly

$10,000 Annually with Pay In Full Bonus

Why Spend a Year Inside The CEO Collective?


We start by reviewing your Getting to Know You Intake Questionnaire and exploring your digital presence. Inside The CEO Collective, the team and Racheal are committed to truly getting to understand your needs.

As you begin implementing the 90 Day CEO Operating System into your business, we'll be there each step of the way. We know from experience that there is a learning curve with stepping into this next-level leadership! Racheal and Team TCC will be right there with you to uplevel your CEO skills, boundaries, and mindset with weekly opportunities for support.

We have invested in you – the same way that you have invested in yourself by joining The CEO Collective. That’s why we require a 12 month commitment with no cancellations or refunds.

Our CEOs See Incredible Results


of your business as you implement upgraded strategy, systems and habits.


helping you stay focused on CEO level tasks that create real momentum in your business.


without feeling like your business is living launch to launch.


allowing you to scale strategically and sustainably (aka without working harder).


and keeps you out of the weeds of your business.


as you start showing up sharing your message in more powerful, intentional way.


including bandwidth to go on a solo retreat to really recharge.


without sacrificing your integrity or your personal life.


women who GET what you want to create in the world and will cheer you on as you make those dreams a reality.

Join The CEO Collective

The doors are open for the next cohort...

The CEO Collective

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual Only)*

* To make this level as accessible as possible, you can choose to add the in-person CEO Retreat or Mastermind Day as desired!

$500 Monthly

$6,000 Annually with Pay In Full Bonus

The CEO Collective VIP

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual or In Person)

  • Quarterly Mastermind Day (Virtual or In Person)

  • Monthly Team Talk Call with Amber Kinney

  • Access for Your Right Hand Team Member

$925 Monthly

$10,000 Annually with Pay In Full Bonus

Relatable & Real Results

Got support and went from team of 1 to a team of 8 women.

My biggest win is noticing that today I am making more money with MUCH more ease!!!

Got her business back on track after a new baby.

Had 162% increase in revenue from last January.

Launched a 3 day conference with 100 attendees

I joined the CEO Collective a couple of months ago, and it’s already been amazing.

Still on the fence?

Here’s what makes the CEO Collective a no-brainer for high-integrity business owners ready to create consistent, next-level success:


Real-deal, practical guidance from a mentor who’s been there (me!)

After leaving my cushy corporate consulting job 15 years ago, I launched my own consulting company that has reached and served over 35,000 small business owners, made millions in revenue, and allowed me to retire my husband to be a SAHD for our three kids… all while working 25 hours a week.

This didn’t happen by accident.

That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping more women entrepreneurs to intentionally design a business that not only allows them to serve the clients they love, but helps them to live the life they always wanted.


High quality, hands-on mentorship and peer support – month after month.

Inside the CEO Collective, you’re much more than a name on a sales spreadsheet — and you’ll never have to fight to be heard.

We get to know YOU, your vision, and your business inside and out (and we’ll gently follow up with you if we notice a drop off in participation.)

From mentors to peer partners working on the same goals you are, The CEO Collective is designed to hold you accountable to your goals, and give you a place to share your work, ask for help around your challenges, and celebrate your successes.

There is a massive difference between joining & belonging. At The CEO Collective – you will know without a doubt that you belong here.


You’ll actually do the thing, without working harder

While we do have resources available to deepen your strategic knowledge inside the CEO Vault, the focus of The CEO Collective is to help you step out of information overload and into IMPLEMENTATION mode.

Every assignment and exercise is designed to bring you closer to your goals around revenue, scale, and freedom — and every week, your mentors and I will be available to answer questions, and help clear the brain clutter, so you maintain your momentum AND motivation.

We do have one request though: please leave your excuses at the door. 😉


We serve more than just coaches and fellow consultants (all niches welcome!)

While we know every business is unique, our 90 Day CEO Operating System works for product and brick and mortar businesses, health and wellness professionals, as well as service-based online companies.

Seriously: one of our members makes $30k-$40k per month selling children’s hair bows using our system!

It’s applicable, powerful, and can create extraordinary results in any type of business.


We’re here to make your business more profitable, less exhausting, and more fun.

When you stop flying by the seat of your pants in your business and feel like you’re back in control with documented strategies, SOP’s and systems, and a tested model… you actually start to enjoy the creative challenge of running your business again.

You quit the feast-and-famine launch cycle, your confidence and competence increases, and you feel excited about making strategic decisions as a CEO… without the “OMG, where is money coming from this month!?” panic.

Want to experiment with a new offer? Make an extra $5k-$10 in one month? Try a new visibility strategy? Heck yeah! You’ll have the strategy, systems, and support in your corner to make it happen.

The CEO Collective FAQ’s


The 90-Day CEO Operating System is the framework we use to help each of our clients create more sustainable systems for success.

If you haven’t watched the training about this framework, you can get access to it right here.


The CEO Collective was designed specifically for women, femmes, non-binary people, and anyone who identifies as a woman.


Because as women entrepreneurs, we’ve personally found huge value in having a trusted and diverse community of other ambitious women’s voices and perspectives to discuss the unique challenges we face as women and business owners.

We want you to bring your whole self to this experience – and this is the room where you’ll be able to discuss everything from the challenges of growing your business to planning for maternity leave to leading with your values.

One of our top values? IN WOMEN WE TRUST. That includes ALL women including Black Women, AAPI Women, Indigenous Women, LGBTQIA+ Women, Femmes, and Non-Binary People, and Disabled Women.


We are big into keeping things simple and sustainable, so we have a set calendar for our core live calls happening inside The CEO Collective:

Monday CEO Dates – 12PM EST

If you’ve followed Racheal for any length of time, you know how much we believe in this weekly CEO habit! Join one of these calls (facilitated by our team) to co-work with other CEOs and make sure your week gets off to a great start!

Wednesday Co-Working Call – 12PM EST

You’ve heard the saying ‘2 heads are better than 1’ – imagine how powerful it is to have 4-5 of your peers offering their perspectives, feedback, and experience to solve your latest challenge. Join one of these calls, facilitated by our team, each week for peer-to-peer support and to tackle the work on your weekly CEO plan.

Thursday Strategy + Support Call – 12PM EST

Each week, bring your biggest sticking points to this call so Racheal can get you unstuck and moving forward in your 90-Day Plan. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer – when you bring a question, get ready for a conversation and laser-focused, personalized coaching to help you find the best solution for your specific business.

When it comes to ALL of these calls – we encourage you to attend when you need support vs. attempt to show up for all the calls.

Can’t attend a strategy + support call but need help? You can ALWAYS leave your question in advance to be answered then listen back to the call recordings via our TCC-only private podcast.


Q4 2024 CEO Retreats

September 13th Richmond VA

September 20th Virtual

Q1 2025 CEO Retreats

December 6th Richmond VA

December 13th Virtual

Q2 2025 CEO Retreats
March 14th Virtual
March 21st Richmond VA

Q3 2025 CEO Retreats
June 13th Richmond VA
June 20th Virtual


Honestly, we see most entrepreneurs reclaim their time within a few weeks because they are finally operating in a more streamlined and strategic way using our 90-Day CEO Operating System.

It’s not about doing all the things – it’s about doing the right things at the right time. This is how Racheal has been able to work 25 hours a week for over a decade. We teach our CEOs how to stop wasting time on low-ROI, high-energy busy work.

Want to focus all of your time and attention on things that move the needle? It’s possible by implementing the exact systems we teach inside the CEO Collective.

When you shift your focus away from high-complexity to high-impact activities, you’ll quickly find that you’re working the hours you actually want with more than enough time for your family, your life, and your dreams.


Rach here - I want to share a quick story. When I started this business, I got pregnant with TWINS within 6 months. It took me years to navigate building a business with babies in tow because I struggled to find support.

By the time I had my third child, I knew what to expect and was able to take a full 4 months off while my business continued to generate revenue and support my clients.

Throw in navigating chronic illnesses that can completely incapacitate me for weeks at a time AND stepping in to be the caregiver for my fully disabled mom who needs 24/7 nursing support at home – let’s just say I know a few things about navigating challenges as a woman entrepreneur.

Because women are the ones traditionally shut out of opportunities when we are “mommy tracked,” we are the ones who disproportionately take on unpaid caregiving, and we are the ones more likely to be impacted by chronic health (mental and physical) challenges, we take all that into account inside The CEO Collective.

If you are expecting a baby, we are here to fully support you whether that means helping you prepare for your maternity leave or coming up with creative ways to get paid while you are out. We will happily pause your membership for up to 3 months so you can take care of yourself and your family.

And, most importantly, we are committed to having the conversations and supporting you throughout the changes and challenges you experience.


YES you have access to 1×1 and group support!

When we designed The CEO Collective, we wanted to include multiple levels of support. In the first 30 days of joining The CEO Collective, you’ll kick off your experience with a 1x1 strategy review with Racheal. This is a dedicated session to ensure that not only is your Client Growth Engine getting the results you're looking for, but to prioritize the strategy and systems that will accelerate your results.

Each week, you'll have access to group support during our weekly CEO Dates, CEO Coworking Calls, and Strategy & Support Calls.

All members will have opportunities to upgrade for additional 1x1 support on an as needed basis. If you know that additional accountability and mindset is essential to your success - you can upgrade to 1x1 mentor support. If you have a team or operations challenge, you can book time with Amber (our Director of Operations). If you want to dive into strategy, marketing, sales, or client experience, you can get on Racheal's schedule.

This additional 1x1 support is offered at a deeply discounted rate exclusively for TCC members.


We do not offer refunds.

We want to ensure that this year long experience is a perfect fit for your business, so please take your time reviewing all the information available on this page. If you aren't sure about The CEO Collective, we encourage you to check out Racheal’s podcast Promote Yourself to CEO or attend a CEO Retreat.

Additionally, you can email us directly at [email protected] with any questions or to book a call.


The issue with this question is that if you wait until later, you think you’re going to have magic time to focus on becoming more strategic or implementing the systems that will help your business become sustainable. You think that more time will magically appear for you to support yourself.

But that’s not how life and business works.

We will admit that the first 90 days of doing anything new is hard. There is an overlap between shifting to having a system and support. Change doesn’t all happen at once. To fully get the results you are seeking, it can take a year to implement. Just like any transformation in life, it takes time to make space for growth.

One thing we talk about a lot is that humans, especially women, can always come up with a thousand things to do instead of the ONE thing that can be done right now to really impact our growth.

Our members say it best. Over and over again we hear that they are so glad they stopped waiting for the perfect time because there is no perfect time.

If you’re ready to sustainably grow and achieve your success, the time is now.


Absolutely – we only want to accept members who are a perfect fit. Send us an email at [email protected] and we'll happily answer your question via email or set up a time to chat 1x1.

Join The CEO Collective

The doors are open for the next cohort...

The CEO Collective

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual Only)*

* To make this level as accessible as possible, you can choose to add the in-person CEO Retreat or Mastermind Day as desired!

$500 Monthly

$6,000 Annually with Pay in Full Bonus

The CEO Collective VIP

  • BONUS! 1x1 Strategy Review with Racheal

  • 90 Day CEO Operating System Training

  • 24/7 CEO Collective Community & Directory

  • CEO Vault

  • Weekly CEO Date Calls

  • Weekly CEO Coworking Calls

  • Weekly Strategy & Support Calls

  • Quarterly CEO Retreat (Virtual or In Person)

  • Quarterly Mastermind Day (Virtual or In Person)

  • Monthly Team Talk Call with Amber Kinney

  • Access for Your Right Hand Team Member

$925 Monthly

$10,000 Annually with Pay In Full Bonus

Earnings Disclaimer: We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent The CEO Collective and the ability of this service to help you grow your business and improve your life. Each person’s results will vary. You alone are responsible for your actions and results, which are dependent on personal factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. There is no promise or representation that you will make a certain amount of money, or any money, as a result of using our programs and services. Any earnings, revenue, or income statements are strictly estimates and there is no guarantee that you will make these levels yourself. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]