ADVANCED TRAINING SERIES for Women Entrepreneurs

Are you running your business…
...or is your business running you?

It’s time to get your business in order so you can step into your role as a confident, in control CEO!

Join Racheal Cook for this free 4-part training series to sustainably scale your business with more ease and less stress.

If you’re ready to sustainably scale your business…

just winging it is not a smart business strategy.

If you’re ready to sustainably scale your business… just winging it is not a smart business strategy.

There comes a point in your business growth when what got you here won’t get you there – and research from The State of the Business Owner shows that companies fail to grow when business owners feel out of control!

It might seem like simply focusing on growing revenue and profits is the answer – but this often amplifies issues within operations, client experience, and team like:

➡️ Without streamlined systems and structure in the business, it takes twice the effort to get half the results… meaning you, the business owner, is constantly in hustle mode to keep ahead.

➡️ Without a clarity on the customer journey, all the marketing and sales efforts bring in new clients while existing or former clients are continuing to churn out of the business, reducing your client lifetime value and overall profitability.

➡️ Without clearly documented values, vision, strategy, and metrics – the business owner will always remain a bottleneck because the team is not equipped to take 100% ownership over their results and roles.

So how can you feel more in control of your business?

It’s Time to Slow Down & Stabilize So You Can Scale Up

Learn How In The 90 Day CEO Sustainable Success Series!

1: The Growth Paradox

For small business owners ready to grow – what comes first – growth at all costs or stabilize then scale?

It’s easy to believe that more revenue solves all business problems. But growth at all costs creates more chaos and leaves the business owner feeling out of control.

Research shows that small businesses fail to grow when the business owner feels out of control.

We are diving deep into the research behind the sustainable scale stack – a set of 9 proven tools that help business owners regain control over their business.

2: Quiet Scaling aka The Antidote to Hustle Culture

Entrepreneurs earning 10x more aren’t working 10x harder. They are working smarter.

Hustle culture has many small business owners convinced that if only they could just do MORE, that their business results would explode.

This mindset has trapped many in the weeds of their business, constantly looking for the next silver bullet tip or trick that will explode their growth. After a year or two – they are burned out and stressed out.

In this training, we are walking through our research backed and client proven 90 Day CEO Operating System®️ growth framework for more ease and less stress in your business.

3: What Would CEO You Do?

CEO doesn’t mean Chief Everything Officer!

When we start our businesses, it’s a one-woman show. We are the marketing team, the sales department, and the bookkeeper. We are used to rolling up our sleeves and just figuring it all out!

But as the saying goes “What got you here won’t get you there!”

Continuing to be the Chief Everything Officer will not only make you the bottleneck in your business but will create a ceiling that limits your growth potential.

We’ll share the top mindset shifts and CEO habits that our CEOs embraced as they said yes to building a more sustainable business, 90 days at a time.

4: Promote Yourself to CEO

 One of the most challenging parts of being the CEO? Knowing exactly what YOU need to focus on first to unlock the next level of business growth.

In this training, I’ll walk you through our approach to prioritizing your time, energy, and attention for more sustainable growth.

Your Host Racheal Cook

With over 20+ years of experience in business strategy, marketing, and productivity, Racheal is here to help women CEOs collectively find freedom, flexibility, and financial success on their terms.

As sought-after speaker and small business expert with her work featured in Entrepreneur, Inc., Washington Post, Money, Business Insider, and Forbes, Racheal is passionate about helping more women entrepreneurs escape hustle culture to build life-first businesses.

When Racheal’s not leading The CEO Collective, you can find her curled up with a great fantasy romance novel or playing board games with her family in Richmond, VA.

Get Instant Access to The 90 Day CEO Training Series

Earnings Disclaimer: We’ve taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent The CEO Collective and the ability of this service to help you grow your business and improve your life. Each person’s results will vary. You alone are responsible for your actions and results, which are dependent on personal factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. There is no promise or representation that you will make a certain amount of money, or any money, as a result of using our programs and services. Any earnings, revenue, or income statements are strictly estimates and there is no guarantee that you will make these levels yourself. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]